While I don't want to sound pedantic, from a Buddhist standpoint, loving kindness is not "anti" anything, as to use such a determiner presupposes a binary; it separates human beings into two camps (I am reminded of the song, "Us and Them" by Pink Floyd).
Loving kindness in the purest sense is all embracing and beyond duality. This doesn't mean I don't support the concept of Antifa, as well as those who bravely fight against fascism in all its forms, I just hold the view that fascists themselves are the product of a system. I believe it is the system that radicalises people: it deprives them of education and prospects, as well as shoveling propaganda down their throats on a daily basis. By setting ourselves up against fascists in a binary way, we inadvertently dehumanise them (much in the same way the Nazis did to my grandfather). Does this mean people should not be held accountable? No, of course not. But, for me, "fighting" fascism would involve all embracing love, understanding and compassion for all parties. You can call this quixotic, because it is from a realist standpoint, but I have seen the power of love firsthand, and believe in it with all my heart.