The Happiest Person I Met Was Shot By a Sniper in the Bosnian War

In a country ridden with trauma and strangled by corruption, love stubbornly remains.

Benny Carts
9 min readMay 8, 2023
Image by author

Recently, I met someone who left an indelible impression. On our third meeting, I discovered she’d been shot twice through the leg by a sniper.

Over the course of our lives, most of us will interact with roughly 80,000 people. Quite a dizzying amount isn’t it? The figure alone is enough to unsettle introverts like me. Luckily, my brain stores a limited amount of accessible memories, so only a fraction of these encounters will leave a mark.

Normally, I struggle with new people, but this ebullient, disarming woman made me feel instantly relaxed. She emanated a joy so infectious it obliterated my social anxiety. It may sound sensationalist, but she was, without a doubt, the happiest person I’ve ever met.

A different world

Whenever I told my British friends we were staying in Bosnia, I usually got the same kind of response:

“Bosnia? Why are you in Bosnia? Isn’t it dangerous?”

No, Bosnia is not dangerous. A quick Google search may scare you with talk of corruption, landmines, and organized crime, but…

